Daily Cancer Horoscope December 19 (19/12)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

December 19


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 7/10

The Moon in your communication sector is linking with Pluto in your solar house of relationship and commitment. This implies a breaking point could be reached. Something needs to be said or released and to say this could be fueled by emotion or possibly passion is an understatement. If you sense time has come to speak your mind and possibly from the depths of your heart, then allow what needs to emerge to do so. Just keep emotions in control wherever possible.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

Anyone who has searched online for symptoms of a particular ailment knows how easily we can become convinced a minor ache or pain can be attributed to a rare, life-threatening, tropical disease. It can be easy to believe were drawing an accurate conclusion or seeing a harmless situation in too serious a light. With that in mind, consider a seemingly serious situation in an area of your world. Might it be possible youre placing far too much importance on it?


summary cancer weekly

Star 10/10

The Suns entry into your opposite sign of commitments and relationships enhances your influence where one commitment or relationship is concerned. Where you might have felt you had no voice or opinion likely to be considered or accepted, that could change from this week and during coming weeks. Someone, somewhere, is about to sit up and take notice of you and not before time! Its time to emerge from the shadows and make yourself heard.


summary cancer monthly

Star 10/10

Mars in your solar eighth house of finances could bring unwelcome focus to money owed rather than money gained. Venus in the same sector brings comfort, relief and reassurance on the financial front so any worries will be short-lived, especially around the 25th. Focus then shifts to relationships and a retrograde Mercury could see you and a certain person covering old ground but a New Moon will make crystal clear what needs to be done for both of you to move forward.


health cancer daily

Star 8/10

Coming full circle gives you a sense of accomplishment. Notice the things that you have accomplished and you will inevitably see the pattern of ending up where you started but with greater self-awareness. Caring for yourself and your body is a way of constantly adapting to change while greeting "the new" optimistically. Our diet is our best prevention against disease, exercise our best weapon against depression, and good sleep our best way to feel truly centered. Concentrate on developing these skills to the fullest.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

Its time to get down and stretch! If you have any physical or emotional ailments, I would recommend you take yourself to the floor and stretch out your spine - it is certain to help. Remember, your imaginary lions tail is attached to your spine. Any feelings of being bottled up, emotionally or physically, will dissipate with a good long stretch or a visit to your local yoga establishment. Remember to always drink a lot of water after you stretch out your spine - it increases flexibility.


health cancer weekly

Star 8/10

You may feel mellow and tired. This is only to be expected after the nerve-frazzling few weeks that youve been through. It might also be the case that you need to refuel your body and give it a chance to recuperate. You know the drill. Make a commitment to eat well, rest properly, and be good to yourself.


health cancer monthly

Star 10/10

If youre eager to get ahead in life, taking a responsible attitude toward your health might help you get there. With Saturn in your wellness sector for some time yet, dont be too hard on yourself. What might benefit you are more regular pampering sessions or spa days, especially as this time of year can be hectic. Give yourself permission to feel really good. It will leave you feeling more energized and upbeat than anything else. Also, adopting a diet or exercise schedule that syncs with your personality could revolutionize your life.


love cancer daily

Star 10/10

Secret forces may be at work today to bring you the love interest you have been dreaming about and silently hoping would someday come your way. They may not arrive dressed to kill, looking like something out of a Hollywood movie; indeed, they may even appear quite ordinary. So you will need to use your intuition and suspend your judging mind.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

The present position of the planets may not be helping your confidence, as far as a certain relationship goes. But this does not mean you have to give up all hope. A loved one is going through a time when they feel the need to be alone in order to resolve certain issues in their life. Once this is completed, they will be more able to give themselves wholeheartedly to the partnership.


love cancer weekly

Star 8/10

You arent feeling your best at the beginning of the week, but the right attention from your secret crush could change all that. One glance in your direction from him or her has you forgetting all about your problems! The past is behind you, so why are you still thinking about an ex? The weekend offers you the chance to get over the person once and for all. Youll breathe a sigh of relief after its over for good.


love cancer monthly

Star 10/10

Loving Venus drifts through airy Aquarius, beginning on December 7, opening up new pathways to love and romance. Just because youve never experienced something before doesnt mean you shouldnt be open to it. Mars powers its way into gentle fellow Water Sign Pisces on December 19, bringing with it an interesting blend of aggression and introspection. One things for sure: Youre bound to keep your pursuers guessing! The Sun enters practical, ambitious Capricorn on December 21, changing your love lifes energy from friendly and fair-minded to "lets get down to business." You still value romance, but your main focus is the bottom line.


career cancer daily

Star 9/10

Now is the time to prepare yourself to take control of a certain situation that you have been wrestling with in the workplace. People are more agreeable to your ideas today so now is a terrific time to make contact with the people who matter most.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today is a good day for you to accomplish any sort of research that you need to do with regard to your job. If you are in search of new employment, this is a fantastic day to weed through print ads and on-line classifieds to find the job you want.


career cancer weekly

Star 7/10

The cosmos supports taking action to review and possibly repeat certain projects or tasks. The energy is positive if youre looking for work, setting specific goals, or seeking to maximize your financial resources. In any area, look for ways to save for possible emergencies. There could be stress between those who want to do things in the traditional way and those who are pushing for innovation.


career cancer monthly

Star 7/10

You may be handed a top-secret assignment toward the middle of the month. Your boss trusts you to handle sensitive information with discretion. Colleagues will pester you to know the secret. Be prepared with noncommittal responses. By establishing yourself as a trustworthy employee, youll pave the way for a big promotion. December 26 could mark the start of an effective business partnership. This alliance will involve quite a bit of overseas travel. Getting paid to see the world will be a welcome way to end this year. You may celebrate New Years Eve in a cosmopolitan city that evokes style and glamour.



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